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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

dog poop!!!!!

We have a dog...which can at times be nice to have around although our dog is kind of well uhhh lets just say he is NOT the smartest dog on the block!!!!! But we will save that gripe for another time...this one is about dog poop!!! Normally "brody" poops in one general location or at least when Im watching him he does....ok I dont make a habit out of watching him poop...he just tends to get into things like the flower garden or finding a new way out of the back yard so at times I have to keep an eye on him to make sure he is doing what he is suppose to be doing.

So today he is out there barking at something and for the life of me I cant see a damn I go walking out there to investigate what it is thats got this dog all in an uproar......well I know where it is that "brody" poops and he isnt barking over in that area so I assume Im safe....WRONG....there it was just waiting for "ME" to step in it...and of course I did!!!! GRRRRRR!!! I HATE stepping in dog poop!!!! I think Dogs should learn to put up warning signs

Or they need to learn to pick it up themselves!!!!

or I need to invest in some of this and teach the dog to use it!!!

oh and the real topper ...the reasons I went out there in the first place....the dog was barking at one of his own chew toys !!!!! OHHHHH THATS NICE!!!!


~Tom~ said...

Gotta love that. Finally after all the years of having to worry about it, we have a dog that insists on going along the fence in the ivy. The ivy grows wild there and seems to like the extra fertilizer. The only thing we have to sorta watch for now is if we let the chickens run around. They are not as well trained as the dog about where they go.

Sally's World said... know I actually bought a dog intelligence test for my brothers dog once as i thought he was a tad...thick....then, the dog did bloody well and the kids couldn't do it!!!

RileyScott said...

They sell dog intelligence tests???

Sorry you stepped in poop Dena. Dog poop is the worst. I have to dog the obstacle course of geese poop around my workplace every day. People must think that we are all depressed working here, cause we all walk out to our cars with our heads down looking out for goose poop.

Cheryl said...

I feel your pain...Nugget will usually go in one general area in our yard, so I know to watch if I'm up there, but once in awhile he'll go astray and poop somewhere IS the worst to step in a fresh pile of dog poop (or even an old pile...LOL!)

Kathy B! said...

That's hilarious! The fact that you stepped in the poop only to discover that it was an offending chew toy? That's how my days seem to start lately...

Slyde said...

Thats so damn funny!

and thanks again for reminding me why i dont NEED another dog. I miss having one, but when i hear stories like this.... not so much.

Homer and Queen said...

I have 4 dogs!!! 2 are mastiff's...if hubby doesn't pick it up at least once a week, you can't walk in the back yard!!!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

We have a dog too and I wish he would learn how to pick up his own poop! That would be fabulous!

Cozyflier said...

Sorry Dena, exactly why I want Mom's dog back at her house and to convince Kev that we need 2 Kittens!

At least the dog is going outside!

Love the pics of poop freeze and the dog using the pooper scooper!

Missy said...

What to do with the poop! Soon we will have to have a permit to dump the stuff! I am sure the current administration is plotting to control our dog dumpings! LOL

Simply_Pam said...

I don't have a dog.. and we both know why. I step in enough shit @ work.. !! lol thanks for stopping by..