Dont you just get tired of those people who no matter what is going on in everyone elses life things somehow always tend to be about them...they always have things better then everyone else...things much worse have happened to them....you can't even have a real conversation with this kind of person because somehow in some way it starts about what YOU are going thru and turns into what THEY are going thru. I sometimes sit and wonder why do these kind of people believe that everything is always about them???? Or maybe I am wrong and it really IS always about them???? Does anyone else go thru this????
Hang in there girl! :)
And, if you need someone to vent to.... I'm here!
This is so true!! I think it might be a way for people to let you know that you aren't alone in whatever problem you may be having or discussing...their way of saying "I've had a similar thing going on and this is what I did". Kind of weird though to just have that one sided conversation.
Uhhg. Yes. I wonder if maybe they're just trying to relate to the situation and accidentally overdo it? Perhaps they're just trying to be sympathetic.
Or perhaps they're just obnoxiously self-centered?
Yeah, those types of people can be very annoying. Sorry Dena
HHHHAAAAAAAAA! I was just talking about that this morning! My psycho sister wrote the book on it!!
"It's all about me" is one of my favorite sayings...I have to keep reminding people cuz they don't think so!
Thanks for following my blog, I find your blog very interesting. Yes, these people can be annoying, but I also think part of it is they want you to know you are not alone. Sometimes they just go a bit overboard with it.
i think it is a fine line. sometimes people jsut want you to know you aren't alone, but anyone with real feelings and a real understanding of family/friendship would know to purposely not make it abou thtem when you are going through something. i am sorry that seems to be happening to you. i think the key to telling which a person is doing is if they are a good listener most of the time and always have your back they are real. if they jsut try to one up you or always turn it around to them, they are selfish. i do have one such person in my life, and pretty much everything turns to her. she exaggerates everything. now i sound like i am turning it around to me. so i will stop. there is nothing to be done. if you open your mouth, you may get no satisfaction anyway because these people always have something to say back. doesn't make me feel better, but you aren't gonna change them anyway.
here's hoping you find some peace with it:)
You and I both know people like this. I had a feeling there would be some rather insightful comments on this post which is why I didn't say much. It appears to be something everyone goes through and it is interesting to see the different perspectives.
Ha! I say that to my kids all the time:
"This is NOT all about YOU!"
"Is this the Dani Show? Didn't we just watch this?"
"I'm the wrong audience for Your Show."
yes, I have friends/family whom I love dearly, but they have nothing else going on in their lives, which creates a very small world and limited perspective on what's going on around them, other than the ends' of their own noses.
I just try to encourage them to look for others to serve and get outside of themselves.
The world is so much bigger when we do!
I have a friend just like that. I really just shake my head and let her go on........and on, and on
But she is not someone I spend alot of time with.....
I have a brother that lives his life this way. I hate it and I have much anger towards him because of this attitude. He can't seem to see past what he is going through.
If those people would take a second to look outside themselves they would be much happier and realize that their lives aren't all that difficult or all that special. Gah.
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