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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Look what came to town

Last night Josh and I was running some errands and we saw this pull into our little town...its the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

It was so exciting to see something like this in our small town...thank goodness I had my phone on me so I could snap a picture as we drove by it..because we drove home to get Devin and the neighbor kid to take them over to see it and as fast as it pulled into town it was gone!


Momza said...

Oh I LOVE the Weinermobile! How weird is that? Every since I was a kid--see that coming down the street n' the first thing I do is start singing the song...
"Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner
that is what I truly want to bee eee eee.
CUz if I were an Oscar Mayer weiner...
everyone would be in love with me!"

and then I wanted a hotdog like nobody's business.

Unknown said...

Frankly (pun intended) I'm a lil' jealous you'll be getting your weinie on!

RileyScott said...

At least it didn't crash into a house like it did a month ago

Lisa said...

Oh that's so cool. I want to drive it. Oh Dena, lets steal it and drive across the country like Thelma and Louise (without the driving into the Grand Canyon part). We could go junking along the way, I'll bet you can hold a lot of goodies in the back of a weiner! Ummm, you know what I mean. ;)


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I can not imagine driving one of those! I've heard of selling advertising on your car, but this one reminds me of the Dumb & Dumber movie with the shaggy dogmobile..LOL!

~Tom~ said...

LMAO...Didn't we have a conversation about the wiener-mobile once? That is too funny. Now that would be the ultimate thing to put on your resume under past jobs!

2007 - 2009: Driver. Responsible for driving around a wiener stuck between 2 buns. And no I was not Michael Jackson's chauffeur!

Samsmama said...

I would have lost it! That is so freaking cool!

Rachel Sue said...

I didn't know that, that actually traveled around the country. How fun!