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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Am I the only one???

I have this stupid thing I do each and every night or I should say early morning hours while Im in bed....I hold my pee....thats right I wont get up and just go instead I wake up realize I have to go and simply roll over and go back to sleep. Which then makes it so when it is actually time for me to get up in the morning I have to pee so bad I sometimes feel like I can't get to the bathroom fast enough. Why do I do this...I have no idea!! Its not like I have a long ways to go to get to the potty nope its right around the corner...I dont even have to turn on any lights....theres enough light coming in the room I can find my way to the potty no problem. But for what ever insane reasons I instead decide its a good idea to just roll over and go back to sleep. This usually hits me about 3 in the morning and I usually am getting up at 6. So I dont know if Im just thinking I dont want to get up now 3 hours isnt that long to wait...but seriously folks according to my bladder each morning 3 hours is a VERY LONG TIME TO WAIT!!!! At my age I should of been able to break this silly habit...but for whatever insane reason Im still doing it...each and every it leads me to the question...
does anyone else do this???? Or am I the only one?????


Missy said...

I hold my pee for hours at work! I have a huge bladder!

Sally's World said...

not me, i get bladder infections if i hold it...but there are times i'm tempted, just cos i know if i get up and go, i'm properly awake and any chance of getting back to sleep is gone!

~Tom~ said...

Nope, you are not alone there. I do it too. I will only get up if I positively know there is no way I will last till morning. Then when I do get up I walk to the bathroom in the dark and try not to open my eyes fully. Then of course I sit to go so I dont have to worry about aiming and I can close my eyes for a bit.

I especially hate having to get up at night when I am camping. It involves having to put on shoes and walking a distance.

Heather said...

I ALWAYS get up around three and have to pee. I usually just go ahead and stumble blindly to the bathroom, though. I can't normally fall back asleep all full of pee. My body won't let me!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I do the same thing...if I do get up, I can't get back to sleep. BUT...I then dream about going to the bathroom!!

RileyScott said...

this happens rarely to me, but when it does, i get up. I never have a problem getting back to sleep once I do, in fact I've been known to fall asleep on the toilet and wake up several hours later more then once.

Of course that could probably be because it takes a small explosion to properly wake me up in the morning.

I dunno, maybe I'm just weird

Samsmama said...

I've held it so long that it has actually gone away. However, like Alicia said, one dreadful night I held it for so long that I started dreaming that I got up and went to the bathroom. It was fun having to wake my husband to tell him I'd wet the bed. Good times.