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Monday, May 23, 2011

Help for the Tornado Victims

I was just talking to someone this morning about how when disaster struck Haiti and Japan that almost instantly we started seeing commercials for numbers to call or text to donate money even on the yahoo page we could donate money....but with all the disasters that's happened in the last few weeks right here in the United States...where are the commercials giving us information on ways to donate money...wheres our running tab at the top of the yahoo page showing us the money that's been raised for the victims????? Yeah I didn't see it either!!!!

I did find this while I was on one of the sights I sale things on and thought I would do a post to pass it on to you if you are interested...its a way for us to donate money for the victims of the tornadoes.
always remember that every dollar counts so even if you can't give much whatever you can give will be very beneficial.

You can also always make a donation through the red cross website at any time


Cozyflier said...

I'd also like to know if the other foreign countries are helping us!

How are you doing?


~Tom~ said...

Well, since we had that chat I thought you might like to know, Japan actually sent money, blankets, and clothing to Alabama tornado victims. That says a lot since they are still dealing with their own disaster recovery.